
Student nationalities In 2024

Afghanistani, American, Angolan, Argentinian, Austrian, Azerbaijani, Belarussian, Belgian, Brazilian, British, Bulgarian, Canadian, Chilean, Chinese, Colombian, Czech, Estonian, French, German, Ghanian, Hong Kong, Hungarian, Indian, Italian, Ivory Coaster, Japanese, Jordanian, Kenyan, Korean, Kuwaiti, Libyan, Lithuanian, Mexican, Moroccan, Myanmar, Nigerian, Omani, Peruvian, Philippino, Polish, Portuguese, Qatari, Romanian, Russian, Saudi Arabian, Spanish, Sri Lanka, Swiss, Taiwanese, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian and United Arab Emirates

"I graduated from University. My course was International Trade but in order to use my qualification to work in an export company I needed to learn English. The possibilities at Anglo-Continental are better than other schools I looked at and it is very big. I haven’t had any problems since I came to this school. The teachers are really good and we are learning a lot. I like Bournemouth. This place is calm and quite small so it’s very good for students. I think the most beautiful thing is Bournemouth beach. I like the sea, water sports and fishing." Fatih, Turkey


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