New ‘English for Success’ Programme


These take place on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons on our 30-hour weekly General English Programme.

The English for Success Programme consists of two skills areas. Students can choose to develop speaking and listening skills or writing and reading skills.

All classes focus on language production and are very practical in nature. Support is provided with vocabulary and functional language in all classes to help students improve their language production.

The course is flexible; students can move from Speaking for Success to Writing for Success, and vice-versa, depending on their needs.


Both courses consist of three levels; Level 1 (Elementary to mid-Pre-Intermediate), Level 2 (Mid-Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate), and Level 3 (Upper-Intermediate and above).

Each course lasts nine weeks. The majority of students move up a level at the end of the nine-week programme.

Students that study with us for less than nine weeks will be placed in the appropriate level for the duration of their course.


The courses run on a 9-week cycle, and Learners present for the full 9 weeks can move to the next level. Alternatively, learners who have passed the end-of-level test in their morning class can move up to the next level in their afternoon class. This will depend on the end of level test taken.

For example, a learner who has passed his/her Intermediate end of the level test in the morning class and is studying in level 2 in the afternoon class, can move up to level 3 in the afternoon programme.

The afternoon programme has split levels, which includes mid-level progress tests.

For example, a learner who has passed their mid-level progress test at Pre-Intermediate and is studying at level 1 in the afternoon programme, can move up to level 2.

Learners can also switch between afternoon classes. However, this depends on whether they feel their initial choice is not right for them.

For example, switching from Writing for Success to Speaking for Success. 

Also, learners move up or down a level according to the teacher’s classroom assessment.

For example, some learners may be in Pre-Intermediate in the morning class. Those students will be put into Writing for Success Level 2. If their reading and writing skills are lower, the student will be moved to the Writing for Success level 1, which suits their ability in this skills area.

Anglo-Continental’s new English for Success programme aims to help students improve their English writing, speaking and literacy through intensive English practice and newly implemented teaching techniques.

Click here to find out more about the General English Programme.