
English Courses in England

Student nationalities In 2024

Afghanistani, American, Angolan, Argentinian, Austrian, Azerbaijani, Belarussian, Belgian, Brazilian, British, Bulgarian, Canadian, Chilean, Chinese, Colombian, Czech, Estonian, French, German, Ghanian, Hong Kong, Hungarian, Indian, Italian, Ivory Coaster, Japanese, Jordanian, Kenyan, Korean, Kuwaiti, Libyan, Lithuanian, Mexican, Moroccan, Myanmar, Nigerian, Omani, Peruvian, Philippino, Polish, Portuguese, Qatari, Romanian, Russian, Saudi Arabian, Spanish, Sri Lanka, Swiss, Taiwanese, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian and United Arab Emirates

"My experience at Anglo-Continental is really good and I have met lots of good friends from all over the world. Bournemouth is a nice place to live. It’s quite calm but there are some good clubs and places to play football like the Littledown Leisure Centre. There are so many parks all over and the town is full of trees. There are good restaurants all over Bournemouth and lots of good pubs." Jose, Mexico


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